Thursday 1 December 2011

My angels....

My angels...
Yeah...these are my two beautiful nieces....:)

Putri Amysha Adriana...born on 25.04.2007...sharing the same birth date with her mother, my sister in law, Salihah Kasim...

Amysha when she was only few months old...:)

My amma was so happy when Amysha was born. Amma took care of her until she was 1 year old. Amysha was everything for my amma...:(

And Amysha is 4 years old now....look at sweet is she...:)

My second niece....Putri Alysha Aiyani...born on 14.12.2009. My brother really wanted her to be born on his birth date...that is on 8th December...looks like this cutie pie choose 14th Dec to see the world....
My brother told me that when Alysha was born....right after the minute she came out from her mother's womb....she looks exactly like my amma...:(
When i visited them....Alysha was looking around and smiling non stop. She was listening to everyone's voice as though she knows us.
I hope it is you amma....and i do believe that is really have reborn be with us again....hmmmm...:)

Thats Alysha when she was few hours old....look at her eyes....she rolled her tiny winy eyes and was so dramatic...:)

And look at Alysha now....she is 1 year plus...looks like she's warning someone...hahaha...:)

These two girls lights up my life....they are my happiness now. I hope I can be there for them to shower them love as long i'm here in this world.

With amma's blessing....:)

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