Wednesday 21 December 2011

Countdown to 2012...:)

It's only 10 days more to welcome the year 2012... fast the time runs. A lot of things happened this 2011.

I had so many health problems....fever, cough, cold, dengue and chicken pox. Phew, it was a teribble year for me.

I had a big argument with my boss....I nearly resign from my office.
I did attend 2 interviews  which was recommended by my friend. But then I'm still here in my old office. I'm too comfortable here I guess....;)
p.s. : I'm still trying to find a better one though...;)

I had an argument with my husband, my sister and my close friend...:)

Recently my younger brother is not talking to me...last I spoke and saw him was during Deepavali week. I have no idea what is wrong with him. I really hope I can work out things with him. I really want all my siblings to be close to each other, help and care for one another. My amma always wants us to be together. I promised my amma that we'll never break apart in any situation....:(

I need to sort out few family problems. I hope I can make everyone closer to me. After all, life is short right...we may never know what will happen to us on the next day.

I am trying my level best to get my sister married...that's my amma's wish too. I hope the God will show the way and solution for me.

I need a break...I'm too tired. Sometimes it's so stressfull and heart breaking when things around us not going on accordingly like what we want it to be.

Today is exactly 21.12.2011....they're saying that the Dooms Day will be on 21.12.2012...I can't forget the visual from the movie 2012...gulp! I hope the Mayan calendar is wrong....God...please help us!!!

I hope the year 2012 brings me luck, happiness and peace. So I'm starting my countdown from today....let's see what happens.

with amma's blessing...

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