Friday 23 December 2011

Morning sunshine....

It was a nice weather today...I see the sun shines brightly in the morning...the sky was blue...hmmm...after so long...:)

Well I have sent the email to my brother yesterday...but I haven't got the reply yet...quite worried now...:(
But anyway I hope I can handle the situation wisely...

Today's lunch was excellent...I went to Petaling Street today and I had a plate of Spicy Pan Mee which I tasted for the first time....:P
Gosh! It was so so yummy. I just love spicy food and it's simply mouth watering although it was quite spicy...but I was satisfied with my lunch today...:)

The spicy Pan Mee...slurpppp...:P

I am clearing my desk right now...I will be on leave for the whole week next week. I've just sent few Christmas greetings through email...and harvested my plants in Farmville....;)
Will be leaving the office in a short while.'s raining outside...hopefully it's not heavy...:s
Checked my email...still no reply from my brother...oh dear....sigh!

So it's just 8 days more to celebrate 2012...:)

Good day folks...:)

with amma's blessing...

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