Saturday 31 December 2011

Happy New Year 2012

Hey sorry for not blogging for the past few days...

Today is new year eve...everyone is waiting to welcome the 2012.
It's just 2 hours to celebrate the 2012.
May this 2012 brings lots of happiness, peace and good fortune to everyone.

Happy New Year everyone...God bless...:)

With amma's blessing...

Saturday 24 December 2011

Lazy day...


It's Saturday...lazy day for me. It's the day I'll wake up at noon...:)

Checked my email...stillo reply from my brother. Looks like I have to forget about this and move on. I have no choice...but I know this is what I should do...:)

Had my lunch...and surfed the internet. Watched some TV programes...and dozed off.
I heard a familiar voice calling my name...It was my friend Gandhi...she is arranging dinner at her place on Christmas day tomorrow. So she asked me to prepare some light snack...i suggested sandwiches...and I'll preparing it tomorrow...:)

Later in the evening...I went to temple to put ghee lamp for Lord Sivan...praying my dear amma's soul to be in peace...:(...It is Ammavaasai today...the day we pray for the good souls who left us to be in peace. is more 7 days to go...we are going to say good bye 2012...:)

Well...going to sleep now...good night folks...:)

with amma's blessing...

Friday 23 December 2011

Morning sunshine....

It was a nice weather today...I see the sun shines brightly in the morning...the sky was blue...hmmm...after so long...:)

Well I have sent the email to my brother yesterday...but I haven't got the reply yet...quite worried now...:(
But anyway I hope I can handle the situation wisely...

Today's lunch was excellent...I went to Petaling Street today and I had a plate of Spicy Pan Mee which I tasted for the first time....:P
Gosh! It was so so yummy. I just love spicy food and it's simply mouth watering although it was quite spicy...but I was satisfied with my lunch today...:)

The spicy Pan Mee...slurpppp...:P

I am clearing my desk right now...I will be on leave for the whole week next week. I've just sent few Christmas greetings through email...and harvested my plants in Farmville....;)
Will be leaving the office in a short while.'s raining outside...hopefully it's not heavy...:s
Checked my email...still no reply from my brother...oh dear....sigh!

So it's just 8 days more to celebrate 2012...:)

Good day folks...:)

with amma's blessing...

Thursday 22 December 2011

Rainy day...

It's been raining since morning....not heavy though. Not doing any work in the office...playing Farmville since morning....boss is not around....;)
Didn't go out for lunch's cold and wet out there....hate it so much...

Been thinking how and what to say or write to my younger brother who is angry with me for some I wish i knew what is in his mind...sigh!
It's bothering me a lot. I have to write him something in a while and send the mail thru Facebook. Wish me luck.
Gosh...I hope he understands and forgive me for whatever I've done or spoke to him in any manner. What a life!!!
All the best to meeeeee.....gulp...:s
And now the countdown to 2012 starts....its 9!!!
God....please give me a good year in 2012.

with amma's blessing

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Countdown to 2012...:)

It's only 10 days more to welcome the year 2012... fast the time runs. A lot of things happened this 2011.

I had so many health problems....fever, cough, cold, dengue and chicken pox. Phew, it was a teribble year for me.

I had a big argument with my boss....I nearly resign from my office.
I did attend 2 interviews  which was recommended by my friend. But then I'm still here in my old office. I'm too comfortable here I guess....;)
p.s. : I'm still trying to find a better one though...;)

I had an argument with my husband, my sister and my close friend...:)

Recently my younger brother is not talking to me...last I spoke and saw him was during Deepavali week. I have no idea what is wrong with him. I really hope I can work out things with him. I really want all my siblings to be close to each other, help and care for one another. My amma always wants us to be together. I promised my amma that we'll never break apart in any situation....:(

I need to sort out few family problems. I hope I can make everyone closer to me. After all, life is short right...we may never know what will happen to us on the next day.

I am trying my level best to get my sister married...that's my amma's wish too. I hope the God will show the way and solution for me.

I need a break...I'm too tired. Sometimes it's so stressfull and heart breaking when things around us not going on accordingly like what we want it to be.

Today is exactly 21.12.2011....they're saying that the Dooms Day will be on 21.12.2012...I can't forget the visual from the movie 2012...gulp! I hope the Mayan calendar is wrong....God...please help us!!!

I hope the year 2012 brings me luck, happiness and peace. So I'm starting my countdown from today....let's see what happens.

with amma's blessing...

Thursday 1 December 2011

My angels....

My angels...
Yeah...these are my two beautiful nieces....:)

Putri Amysha Adriana...born on 25.04.2007...sharing the same birth date with her mother, my sister in law, Salihah Kasim...

Amysha when she was only few months old...:)

My amma was so happy when Amysha was born. Amma took care of her until she was 1 year old. Amysha was everything for my amma...:(

And Amysha is 4 years old now....look at sweet is she...:)

My second niece....Putri Alysha Aiyani...born on 14.12.2009. My brother really wanted her to be born on his birth date...that is on 8th December...looks like this cutie pie choose 14th Dec to see the world....
My brother told me that when Alysha was born....right after the minute she came out from her mother's womb....she looks exactly like my amma...:(
When i visited them....Alysha was looking around and smiling non stop. She was listening to everyone's voice as though she knows us.
I hope it is you amma....and i do believe that is really have reborn be with us again....hmmmm...:)

Thats Alysha when she was few hours old....look at her eyes....she rolled her tiny winy eyes and was so dramatic...:)

And look at Alysha now....she is 1 year plus...looks like she's warning someone...hahaha...:)

These two girls lights up my life....they are my happiness now. I hope I can be there for them to shower them love as long i'm here in this world.

With amma's blessing....:)

Hold on Tightly to What Is Truly Important in Life

Hold on to faith; it is the source of believing
that all things are possible. It is the fiber
and strength of a confident soul.
Hold on to hope; it banishes doubt and enables
attitudes to be positive and cheerful.
Hold on to trust; it is at the core of fruitful
relationships that are secure and content.
Hold on to love; it is life's greatest gift of all,
for it shares, cares and gives meaning to life.
Hold on to family and friends; they are the most
important people in your life, and they make
the world a better place. They are your roots
and the beginnings that you grew from;
they are the vine that has grown through time
to nourish you, help you on your way,
and always remain close by.
Hold on to all that you are and all that you have
learned, for these things are what make you unique.
Don't ignore what you feel and what you believe
is right and important; your heart has a way
of speaking louder than your mind.
Hold on to your dreams; achieve them diligently
and honestly. Never take the easy way or
surrender to deceit. Remember others on your way,
and take time to care for their needs.
Enjoy the beauty around you.
Have the courage to see things differently and clearly.
Make the world a better place one day at a time,
and don't let go of the important things that
give meaning to your life.

with amma's blessing....:)