Wednesday 29 August 2012

All Is Well...:)

Dear all...

It's been a while I haven't update my blog... many things happened for the past 4 months...
I passed my exams in 3 modules...which I really can't believe it till today....:D.
So my 'U' life is going on smoothly...hopefully I can get thru this...with amma's blessing...:)

My amma's 4th years prayers was held on 24th July 2012. This time it was only among our was a quiet and painful moment. I just hate going thru all this painful and hurting moment. I cant describe the feeling. I want my amma's pure soul to be in peace....and my amma's last wish is going to come true. I will do what my amma will do for my sister, I am there amma....don't worry...I promise you da baby...:(....Please bless all of us amma....I love you so much amma sayang...:(

My amma sayang...:(

Me doing prayers for my amma...:(


My sister had a proposal on the month of April...and eventually after two of them met they liked each other. And it lead to their engagement which was held on 21st August 2012 (my amma sayang's 65th birthday...:(...sigh!). The function was a blessing from my amma and it went on smoothly by God's grace. The wedding date has been fixed on 9th December 2012.
I just hope my sister will have a great and happy married life with her partner...with amma's blessing.

Meera and her partner Soorian...:)
And this is my pet Mimie...remember her...;)

 Mimie girl...she is now 1 year old....look at her...isn't she cute....:)
My brother, Sadeesh and Salihah welcomed their 3rd child...a beautiful angel named Putri Aleeya Afrina on 23rd August 2012.
 Me and my new-born niece...with Amysha...:)

Tired girl...

So these are the things happened around for the past 4 months....sweet and bitter...mixed emotions.. well that is life right.
Good bye for now until the next post from me...with amma's blessing.

Friday 30 March 2012

The new journey begins....


Now I'm officially a part time student at Universiti Malaya...with amma's blessing.
I've enrolled for Executive Diploma In Human Resource Management...13 months course...:)
I have started my class which was on 25th March 2012. Every Sunday, 9.00am to 6.00pm. more lazy Sundays for me.

The first day of my class was good...lecturers was ok. The Malay girls were more friendlier than the bloody usual lah kan. On that day, I received 1Malaysia book vouchers worth RM 200.00. I was so shocked and at the same time so damn excited...woohoo...isn't that cool...;) 

I really hope I can make it. I'm just worried that I couldnt memorize and recall things like when I was umhh....young....hehehe! Takut fail lah....I need to get that Diploma ok...:)

I hope and I will go through this confidently. Hope for the best...

with amma's blessing...

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Leap year...

It's 29.02.2012 today....the last one was on 29.02.2008. My dearest amma was around...she was happy, bubbly and active. It's so hurting and painful when I started to recall all the sweet and bitter memories about my loving amma. What a life...:(
I just hate this life without my amma by my side. The God has written my fate...that I have to move on with my sucking life. And I'm sure my amma's blessing will be always there for me. I love you so much baby amma...:(

In four years will be on 29.02.2016, I wonder what will happen and how things will end up for me...
Will my sister get married?
Will I happilly live with my husband?
Will I have a child...or adopt any?
Will I have a good job and reasonable salary?
Will I pass my Diploma....gulp...:s (well...after so many years not interested to pursue my studies...I have decided and sent my application to Universiti Malaya...for Executive Diploma In Human Resource...which is only for 13 months)
and the last one...
Will I be alive on that day...:D

Well...looks like I have to wait and see for myself.
Hope I can go through this tough and miserable life...:(

Till then...

with amma's blessing...

Friday 13 January 2012

My 39th birthday...

January 05th...was my birthday...I've turned 39 this year.
How I wish my amma was here with me...watching me grow older....:(
Sigh...please bless me amma...

Few days before my husband told me that my brother called and informed him that he and his wife are coming to celebrate my birthday here at my amma's place.
Eventually I wrote to my brother inviting him for a small family dinner on 8th January.
I was like so relieved to hear the news from my hubby....although my brother never call and inform me in any way....:)
I am was so happy...thank you amma and God...:)

So the day came....I cooked few dishes for my family and friends. Everyone was there....father, husband, sister, brothers, sisters in law, nieces and dear friends. It was nice to have a family gathering once in a while....I was really happy that day...:)

My brother bought me a birthday cake....:)

Blueberry Cheese Cake....:P

Blowing the birthday cake with my two little angels...:)

I had great day that day....hopefully things will be better this year.....:).

with amma's blessing...

Saturday 31 December 2011

Happy New Year 2012

Hey sorry for not blogging for the past few days...

Today is new year eve...everyone is waiting to welcome the 2012.
It's just 2 hours to celebrate the 2012.
May this 2012 brings lots of happiness, peace and good fortune to everyone.

Happy New Year everyone...God bless...:)

With amma's blessing...

Saturday 24 December 2011

Lazy day...


It's Saturday...lazy day for me. It's the day I'll wake up at noon...:)

Checked my email...stillo reply from my brother. Looks like I have to forget about this and move on. I have no choice...but I know this is what I should do...:)

Had my lunch...and surfed the internet. Watched some TV programes...and dozed off.
I heard a familiar voice calling my name...It was my friend Gandhi...she is arranging dinner at her place on Christmas day tomorrow. So she asked me to prepare some light snack...i suggested sandwiches...and I'll preparing it tomorrow...:)

Later in the evening...I went to temple to put ghee lamp for Lord Sivan...praying my dear amma's soul to be in peace...:(...It is Ammavaasai today...the day we pray for the good souls who left us to be in peace. is more 7 days to go...we are going to say good bye 2012...:)

Well...going to sleep now...good night folks...:)

with amma's blessing...

Friday 23 December 2011

Morning sunshine....

It was a nice weather today...I see the sun shines brightly in the morning...the sky was blue...hmmm...after so long...:)

Well I have sent the email to my brother yesterday...but I haven't got the reply yet...quite worried now...:(
But anyway I hope I can handle the situation wisely...

Today's lunch was excellent...I went to Petaling Street today and I had a plate of Spicy Pan Mee which I tasted for the first time....:P
Gosh! It was so so yummy. I just love spicy food and it's simply mouth watering although it was quite spicy...but I was satisfied with my lunch today...:)

The spicy Pan Mee...slurpppp...:P

I am clearing my desk right now...I will be on leave for the whole week next week. I've just sent few Christmas greetings through email...and harvested my plants in Farmville....;)
Will be leaving the office in a short while.'s raining outside...hopefully it's not heavy...:s
Checked my email...still no reply from my brother...oh dear....sigh!

So it's just 8 days more to celebrate 2012...:)

Good day folks...:)

with amma's blessing...