Wednesday 29 February 2012

Leap year...

It's 29.02.2012 today....the last one was on 29.02.2008. My dearest amma was around...she was happy, bubbly and active. It's so hurting and painful when I started to recall all the sweet and bitter memories about my loving amma. What a life...:(
I just hate this life without my amma by my side. The God has written my fate...that I have to move on with my sucking life. And I'm sure my amma's blessing will be always there for me. I love you so much baby amma...:(

In four years will be on 29.02.2016, I wonder what will happen and how things will end up for me...
Will my sister get married?
Will I happilly live with my husband?
Will I have a child...or adopt any?
Will I have a good job and reasonable salary?
Will I pass my Diploma....gulp...:s (well...after so many years not interested to pursue my studies...I have decided and sent my application to Universiti Malaya...for Executive Diploma In Human Resource...which is only for 13 months)
and the last one...
Will I be alive on that day...:D

Well...looks like I have to wait and see for myself.
Hope I can go through this tough and miserable life...:(

Till then...

with amma's blessing...

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